
Mormon Missionaries Targeting adolescents?

erisophia Dec. 2014

Hello! I'm brand new here.

I have never been baptized as Mormon, although I came pretty close. I'd been attending church with them for a couple of months until I realized I was being 'love bombed'

Lost my boyfriend to Mormonism

enia Oct. 2014

Hey. I don't really know if I can write about this here, I mean, if this is a right place for it. My (now ex) boyfriend started to hang out with Mormons and is now planning to convert. Since you guys probably know about this much much more and have seen different people converting, staying in church, leaving from church etc, I wondered that maybe if I give you a detailed description of the situation and of him

All are welcome on RfM. Just curious though, what draws never-mo's here?

lenina Mar. 2014

Are you avid anti-mormons who find satisfaction in assisting ex-mo's along the path?

Are you spouses/loved ones of TBMs [Mormons]?

Family Friction My Brother is a Mormon

nomonomo Dec. 2012

Been researching Mormonism because of some family friction, and found a lot of good info here. Thought I'd post and see if anyone can offer insight into what I'm dealing with. Thanks in advance for any insight. Here goes...

My brother married a Mormon girl years ago.

This is so offensive to non-Mormons on many levels - Mormon Temple Marriage and the outside ring ceremony

by Joe Laban June 2012

Ok, I was searching the Internet and came across this commercial LDS wedding site about ring ceremonies. Here are the low-lights. I capitalized the offensive words or phrases. A take-off of a Mormon funeral. Please let me now your thoughts...

Non Mormon's perception of Mormons - outside Utah

by Kyle May 2012

OK. 10 years ago I Leave the church. Now for the first time, all of my non LDS clients and friends could tell me how they really felt about the Mormon Faith. OMG.. was I shocked. I knew that their perception was NOT all that great.. but at least neutral I thought.. boy was I wrong. Virtually every NON LDS person I knew at some point told me how relieved they were that I finally left the Mormon church.

Why do non-Mormoms post here?

by peaceout2012

I'm not trying to be rude. I'm just curious as to why people who have never been member of the lds church feel the need to post on a recovery board. I guess I can understand a nevermo wife or husband. Please explain how you can relate to those of us trying to recover, vent, laugh, and move on. I know this sounds rude, but I really don't get it.

Comparing Weddings Mormon versus non-Mormon

by Anon67

Hey, I've been reading a bit into Mormonism as some of you had suggested. I was wondering what is the difference from a temple wedding than a regular wedding, besides the eternal seal and not allowing non-Mormons. Is it different vows or is the ceremony all together different?

Never-Mo attending a temple wedding

by tl Feb 2012

I am a never-mormon. I am about to "attend" a temple wedding. Will I even be able to enter the temple building? Will there be anything to do while I wait for the bride/groom/worthy guests to come out? My reason for attending is to support the groom's father, since he is also a never-mo.

Being shunned common?

by mtnhiker323 Jan 2012

I believe my best friend has become aware of my decision because he seems to have been avoiding me as of late and I believe this is the reason. Is it common for members to shun investigators who decide the church is not right for them?