Disappearing Generation of Lamanites
Simon in Oz May 2013
Hi Folks,
In the final death-throes of apologetic responses to the decimating DNA, the church’s official unofficial scripture-twisting BYU-funded excuse makers have claimed that we wouldn’t expect to find Lamanite DNA because it has been diluted away beyond detection. Yes, these prophet-dismissing testimony tramplers now believe that the disappearance of Lamanite genes is sort of exactly what they expected based on their latest twist of scripture.
It’s taken too long, but I have finally got around to writing a blog post response to the desperate disappearing Lamanite DNA diatribe. There’s not a whiff of ancient Israelite DNA in the mitochondria, Y-chromosomes or even entire genomes of Native Americans. I don’t know if there’s much more to be said about the DNA.
I hope some folk find this helpful.
Re: Disappearing Generation of Lamanites
Excellent explanation for non-scientists. Thanks!
Nancy Rigdon
Re: Disappearing Generation of Lamanites
Any chance you can get this information to Salt Lake Tribune or other publication? I want to share your excellent analysis with TBMs, but I need it to appear in a "neutral" source.
Mårv Fråndsen
Nice write-up!
Another one for the data base.
Should I share this?
Niece just got called to the South Dakota Rapid City Mission. I'm tempted to forward this blogspot to her with a statement that she's likely to encounter Native Americans and might want to familiarize herself with the issue of the Lamanites and DNA.
Whatdaya think?
Re: Disappearing Generation of Lamanites
Really great article thanks! Talk about weak sauce from the apologists! DNA evidence was one of the major issues for me that got me out of the church. I find it extremely fascinating.
Simon in Oz
Re: Disappearing Generation of Lamanites
Nancy Rigdon Wrote:
> Simon,
> Any chance you can get this information to Salt
> Lake Tribune or other publication?
Jennifer Dobner is the journo that handles these sorts of issues but I doubt she'd bother. To write an article she would need to get in touch with several apologists and probably scientists to give the story balance. And that is too much work for a modern journalist. Most sit and wait for press releases.
Simon in Oz
Re: Should I share this?
Twinker Wrote:
Niece just got called to the South Dakota Rapid
City Mission. I'm tempted to forward this blogspot
to her with a statement that she's likely to
encounter Native Americans and might want to
familiarize herself with the issue of the
Lamanites and DNA.
Whatdaya think?
I'm afraid that's your call. How solid is your relationship with your sibling(s) and niece?
Re: Disappearing Generation of Lamanites
The term is no longer "Lamanites".
It is now "Laman-NOTS"!
Hey, good to still see you around.
Back on my mission, we arranged for the Lamanite Generation to come do their thing at our small town's arena. School kids got out of class to attend. (At least it provided a bit of respite from people-hassling door knocking.)
Just another example of how my mormon upbringing is disappearing as we speak.
Re: Disappearing Generation of Lamanites
Mormons have become the new game of twister. They can adapt to any position. They can even twist themselves into a pretzel and still look at you like you're nuts.
That was a great read. It's like the condensed version of your book. I'm saving it.
Brother Of Jerry
God hid the Lamanite DNA to test our faith.
Just like he planted dinosaur bones to test our faith.
God had to do something to stay occupied before the invention of car keys.
Very nicely done write-up Simon. Dear Reader, if you haven't looked at the blog post linked in the original post in this thread, I strongly recommend you do so. Unlike apologist writing, it is technically correct, clearly explained, and filled with, what-cha-call-it, facts.
Re: Disappearing Generation of Lamanites
Thank you for sharing this. Years ago when I was having serious doubts I was on the fence about whether to stay in or leave Mormonism. Your work pushed me onto the ex-Mormon side, and my life has been much better since then. Hopefully other people that are questioning will see this.
Re: Disappearing Generation of Lamanites
Holy crap! I'm part Neanderthal! Dang, science is cool! I almost missed this post because I didn't know it had anything to do with DNA. Glad I read it!
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